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MICE is known as one of the friendliest shows around because of our absolutely incredible team of volunteers. We can't do the show without you! Would you be interested in joining us on site for MICE 2024?

VOLUNTEER & Get involved

How Can I Help?
  • Show Floor and Traffic: This role will likely require you to be standing for the duration of your shift (reach out if you require accessibility accommodations). You will be stationed on the show floor or in the halls to give directions, assist the flow of foot traffic, and answer visitors’ questions, with the map and program for reference.

  • Greeter: This role will likely require you to be standing for the duration of your shift (reach out if you require accessibility accommodations). You will be stationed at one of the entrances into the show to welcome visitors and count attendance. You’ll also hand out printed programs with information about the show and direct visitors with questions to the info desk.


  • Panel Assistant: A nice spot to enjoy our panel discussions. You will help make sure panels begin and end on time, as well as assisting visitors arriving late to find seating. You will also be available for the panel moderator in case anything is needed quickly. Shifts may cover one or two panels depending on scheduling.


  • Workshop Assistant: You will work alongside the workshop instructors and help with setup, laying out supplies, and seating participants. A good role for teachers and artists, and people who are good at engaging others and answering questions. Shifts may cover one or two workshops depending on scheduling.


  • Setup: Friday (12/6) afternoon and evening only. You’ll help put up signs, assemble badges and programs, and make sure everything is in place for the show.


  • Breakdown: Sunday (12/8) evening only. You’ll help us pack everything away and take things down so we can leave BU as nice as we found it.


  • Exhibitor Party Attendant: Saturday (12/7) evening only. The MICE Exhibitor “Afterparty” is back this year! You’ll be assisting our hospitality staff to set up and run the party. Dinner included.


  • Survey Assistant: Afternoons only. This role is for a people person, you will be working with a member of BCAF to ask passing attendees to fill out our feedback survey.

Ready to volunteer?

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for MICE this year! We couldn’t do this without our team of dedicated and hardworking volunteers. Unless otherwise noted, all volunteer roles will occur during the weekend of Saturday 12/7 – Sunday 12/8.

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